Own 1 word

Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a solopreneur,
your business should own a single word.

→ Volvo owns “safety.”
→ Kleenex owns “tissue.”
→ Mercedes owns “luxury.”

The concept is grounded in three principles:

The Law of Focus:

The most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in the mind of your customer. Companies that can own a word representing their category often become market leaders.

The Law of Exclusivity:

Two companies can’t own the same word in a prospect’s mind. Volvo is synonymous with safety. Other automakers like GM and Mercedes have tried but failed to claim that space.

The Law of the Word:

Exactly what it says. To build a strong brand, focus on owning one word in your customer’s mind.

Check out this list:

→ Amazon: Convenience
→ Netflix: Entertainment
→ Spotify: Music
→ Microsoft: Software
→ Uber: Ride
→ DoorDash: Delivery
→ Peloton Interactive: Fitness
→ Shopify: E-commerce
→ Google: Search
→ Zoom: Meetings

Clarity is power.


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